Dr. Chris Assaf
2006-06-12 00:53:06 UTC
x-no-archive: yes
permanent harm. And I agree. There are other wasys of
getting a child's attention. But wrist slapping or a slap on
the butt is not worthy of a jail sentence.
I agree. But did you read the original?....
I did. Some are under the very mistaken impression that
gently hitting (an oxymoron if there ever were one) is better
than hitting hard. Study after study has shown that any kind of
hitting produces negative results.
The crime rate in singapore is low because of hitting.
Hit a child; go to jail. There are many other ways to
discipline a child THAT WORK without resorting to violence
against them.
A slap on the wrist (in an appropriate situation) does nodiscipline a child THAT WORK without resorting to violence
against them.
permanent harm. And I agree. There are other wasys of
getting a child's attention. But wrist slapping or a slap on
the butt is not worthy of a jail sentence.
gently hitting (an oxymoron if there ever were one) is better
than hitting hard. Study after study has shown that any kind of
hitting produces negative results.