Incarnation Incarceration
(too old to reply)
Koyaanisqatsi Fahrvergnugen
2004-09-30 01:23:36 UTC
Incarnation Incarceration ...

Himalayan High Treks (HHT)
Liberation Prison Project


Islam could be classed as a sex-positive religion.
Though it held many positions in common with
Judaism and Christianity, and many characters in
the Bible appear in the Koran, Islamic laws relating
to marriage, divorce, fornication, and other aspects
of sexual behavior are derived more from pre-Islamic
Arabic attitudes than from the Judeo-Christian
tradition. Moreover, the Greek ascetic attitudes
about sex were at first not particualrly strong in
Islam, although they later had some effect.
The key to Islamic outlooks on sex, as on so many
other things, is the teachings of the Prophet
Muhammed, who, true to the Arabic tradition,
regarded sex as a good rather than an evil aspect
of life. This still holds true today.

H. R. P. Dickson, a recorder of Arab customs
and mores, reported in the 1930s that it was

no exageration to say that sexual intercourse
is loved by the ordinary Arab above all pleasures
in the world. It is the one great pleasure common
to rich and poor alike, and the one moment of
forgetfulness in his daily round of troubles that
Badawin or townsmen can enjoy. Men and women
equally love the act, which is said to keep men
young, "just like riding a mare."

In this attitude the Arabs were simply reflecting
the teachings of Muhammed.
A nineteenth-century Muslim writer summarized
the Islamic attitudes.

Coition is one of the causes of the preservation of
health. Let him among you who is in a condition for
having sufficient copulation marry: marriage gives
moderation of the gaze and more obligatorily turns
one away from incest and adultery.

Before Muhammed, The Arabs were a male-centered
tribal people pacticing polygamy, circumcision, and
occasional infanticide, whose customs and gods were
being undermined by outside forces, Including
Christianity and Judaism. Though the Prophet modified,
changed, abolished, and reformed many traditional
Arabic customs and beliefs, the Muslim Arabs
remained a male-centered, polygamous society in which
women were regarded as inferior to men. Muhammed,
regarded by Islam as the last and greatest of the
prophets of Allah, was born in Mecca about 570 A.D.
and died there in 632 A.D. [...]
[Sexual Variance in Society and History
by Vern L. Bullough 1976 - University of Chicago Press]


Toutatis to Pass By Earth On Wednesday

The H.E.S.S. Telescope system, a new scout to the
high-energy universe, will be opened on
September 28, 2004 in the vicinity of
the Gamsberg/Namibia
A new system of large telescopes, dedicated to the
search of the sources of high energetic particles with
energies of more than 100 GeV, like supernova
remnants and other exotic objects, will be opened on
September 28, 2004 by the prime minister of the
Republic of Namibia, Dr. Theo-Ben Gurirab. Numerous
high-ranking guests from Namibia, South Africa,
France and Germany will attend the ceremony on the
Farm Goellschau in Namibia. The international project,
which is coordinated by the Max Planck Institute for
Nuclear Physics, is based on technologies from
particle physics. It provides a powerful instrument
for the young research field of TeV-astronomy,
and may for the first time allow the detection of
"dark matter" in the universe. The inauguration of the
four telescopes marks the completion of the
installation of the first phase of H.E.S.S.
The telescope system can start its work for the
benefit of the worldwide astronomical community.

Entheogens in Christianity
"... the poor could never afford to buy a hit of ergot
to experience ego death, unity consciousness, and
heaven-on-earth. But Jesus gave them ergot for free,
so that they could experience ego death, and the
priests -- who had a thriving business -- were
infuriated and seriously threatened..."

The Origins of Christianity and
the Quest for the Historical Jesus Christ
by Acharya S:


"...These comprise the nine most important prophecies
of the Hopis, connected with the creation of the nine
worlds: the three previous worlds on which we lived,
the present Fourth World, the three future worlds we
have yet to experience, and the world of Taiowa, the
Creator, and his nephew, Sotuknang."
[From The Book of the Hopi by Frank Waters]

"Near the day of the Great Purification,
there will be cobwebs spun
back and forth in the sky."

"The Purification will begin shortly
after humans build a great house in
the sky. By then there will be fires
everywhere and greedy, selfish,
power-mad leaders, internal wars."

-- pre-Colombian Hopi prophecies

Department of Mathematics,
University of Pisa, ITALY

Emergent Consciousness: The "Big Wow" theory
From the Early Universe to Our Mind

Are We Being Taken to the Cleaners by Spacetime Physicists?


The Eye Of The Storm:

...And, speaking of rocks falling from the sky...

"... "In pre-Islamic days, called the Days of Ignorance,
the religious background of the Arabs was pagan, and
basically animistic. ..."

"According to some (apparently different) sources such as


"... Muhammad's uncle was one of the resident priests of the
Shiv temple known as 'Kaaba'. ... this glorious Hindu temple
was made to symbolically represent a microcosm of the
universe. ... Right at the centre of the Kaaba
was the octogonal pedestal of Bramha the creator. ...
Muhammad destroyed all 360 idols,
but even he could not summon the courage to
completely obliterate the Shivling in the Kaaba. ...

"... Today it lies broken at seven places and
held together by a silver band studded with silver nails,
bearing the name 'Sangey Aswad' which came from the
Sanskrit Ashwet meaning non-white or black stone.

"... oral recitation of Vedic scriptures was always done in
a lyrical fashion, utilizing music ... Muhammad decided to
forbid Music. ...".
"The status of women was that of pride and equal respect.
How could it be otherwise with a people whose chief deity
was the goddess Durga (Alla). Women married men of their
choice and were financially independent. They were
entrepeneurs, artisans, poets and even warriors! Later on
Muhammad would marry Khadija, who was not only a wealthy
merchant but also in the position to choose her own
husband. This clearly demonstrates the level of freedom
women enjoyed in Vedic Arabia. Hind, who was the wife of
Muhammad's chief enemy Abu Sufyan, herself participated
in the battlefield."
"Gone were the schools, teachers, libraries,
poets, artists, philosophers and scholars that
had littered the Vedic landscape of Arabia like
stars. Everyone had to become a raider if not
from choice then for the sake of surviving the
absolute intolerance of dissenters, that Islam
preached. Thus was the light of learning
extinguished in Arabia. All that remained was
the Koran, the Kalma and the murderous hatred
of anything Non-Muslim."
"Kali: the bloodthirsty wife of Shiva,
with blue-black body, four arms, using a human skull
as a cup. Her color symbolizes eternal night of
non-existence, free of illusion and distinction.
She wears a garland of the heads of impure
thoughts, which She has severed from the
personalities of Her devotees."
"The Shivling is the sacred meteorite. [...]
From the Hindu point of view, it is Shiva's lingham,
or phallic symbol. [...]

"More material and pictures about such things on webpage:

"Although the above is not widely known in Eurocentric societies,
it is common knowledge in India, and indicates some of the history
and depth of feeling that is involved in the Muslim-Hindu conflicts
between Pakistan and India."
"... Muhammad received his first revelation in
610, on the mountain of Hira outside Mecca. The
revelation came in a time when Muhammad searched
for solitude. ..."
"According to a xenohistorian.faithweb web page:

"... Mohammed stayed [in Mecca in 615] because
his family connections protected him ... He came
into the courtyard of the Kaaba and suggested
that the gods and goddesses of Mecca might be
real after all, serving as saints or angels to
mediate between God and man. ... These are the
so-called "Satanic verses" that have caused much
controversy among scholars of Islam. ... They
[the Meccan establishment] enthusiastically
received his [Mohammed's] recantation, but when
he [Mohammed] saw the reaction he repented ...
He [Mohammed] said that the devil had momentarily
possessed his tongue, and denounced idolatry more
vigorously than before. ...".
by Noshir H. Dadrawala
[...] "The chief divine figure of the Yazidi is
Malak Taus ('Peacock Angel'), worshipped in the form
of a peacock. He rules the universe with six other
angels, but all seven are subordinate to the supreme
God, who has had no direct interest in the universe
since he created it. The seven angels are worshipped
by the Yazidi in the form of seven bronze or iron
peacock figures called sanjaq, the largest of which
weighs nearly 700 pounds." [...]

The Logic of Quantum Mechanics Derived from Classical General
Author: Mark J. Hadley (Univ. of Warwick, UK)
Comments: 16 pages Latex
Journal-ref: Found.Phys.Lett. 10 (1997) 43-60


Quantum Gravity as a Dissipative Deterministic System
Author: Gerard 't Hooft
Comments: 20 pages plain TeX, 2 figures PostScript. Added some further
explanations, and the definitions of 'beable' and 'changeable'.
A minor error corrected
Report-no: THU-99/07
Journal-ref: Class.Quant.Grav. 16 (1999) 3263-3279


On Gravity, Holography and the Quantum
Authors: Carsten van de Bruck (Brown University)
Comments: 21 pages, 1 figure. Some references added and typos
corrected. Some points are (hopefully) made clearer in sections 6
and 7 Report-no: Brown-HET-1210


Dissipation and quantization
Authors: Massimo Blasone, Petr Jizba, Giuseppe Vitiello
Comments: 4 pages, RevTeX, 1 figure. Revised version with
minor changes
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. A287 (2001) 205-210


Chaotic Quantization of Classical Gauge Fields
Authors: T.S. Biro, S.G. Matinyan, B. Müller
Report-no: DUKE-TH-01-211
Journal-ref: Found.Phys.Lett. 14 (2001) 471-485


Flat space physics from holography
Authors: Raphael Bousso
Comments: 11 pages, 3 figures; v2: minor corrections
Report-no: UCB-PTH-04/02
Journal-ref: JHEP 0405 (2004) 050


Quantum Mechanics as Quantum Information (and only a little more)
Authors: Christopher A. Fuchs (Bell Labs)
Comments: 59 pages, 5 figures, 140 equations, one simple idea


"It ain't over 'til it's over." Yogi Berra
Demo Hassan
2004-10-04 21:40:19 UTC
Post by Koyaanisqatsi Fahrvergnugen
Incarnation Incarceration ...
Himalayan High Treks (HHT)
Liberation Prison Project
Scaled Composites' SpaceShipOne:

May we clone and study you guys? You know... for science?

Center for Human Genome Studies
Los Alamos

Dreams of .....
Loading Image...


GILGAMESH: The hero and king of Uruk

ENKIDU: His new friend

NINSUN: Wise goddess and mother of Gilgamesh

SHAMBAT: Sacred girl who brought the two friends together

ANNU: Father of the Gods and patron of Uruk

HUMBABA: Monster god who must be killed

ISHTAR: The King's spurned and vengeful suitor - and goddess

ENTI: The god who unleashes the great flood

SIDUR: The bar maid with wordly advice

URHANIBAI: The boatman who gives passage to paradise

UPNAPISHTIM: Who holds the secret of eternal life


EARTH OBSERVATION: http://www.spacemart.com
Emission Of Smog Ingredients From Trees Is
Increasing Rapidly
Princeton NJ (SPX) Sep 29, 2004
Changes in U.S. forests caused by land use practices may have
inadvertently worsened ozone pollution, according to a study
led by Princeton University scientists.

The study examined a class of chemicals that are emitted as
unburned fuel from automobile tailpipes and as vapors from
industrial chemicals, but also which come naturally from
tree leaves. These chemicals, known collectively as VOCs,
react with other pollutants to form ozone, a bluish,
irritating and pungent gas that is a major form of smog in
the lower atmosphere.

While clean-air laws have reduced the level of man-made
VOCs (volatile organic compounds), the tree-produced
varieties have increased dramatically in some parts of
the country, the study found.

The increase stems from intensified tree farming and other
land use changes that have altered the mix of trees in the
landscape, said Drew Purves, the lead author of the study
that included scientists from four universities.

"There are seemingly natural but ultimately anthropogenic
(human-caused) processes in the landscape that have had
larger effects on VOC emissions than the deliberate
legislated decreases," said Purves.

Although scientists knew that trees contribute substantial
amounts of VOCs to the atmosphere, the rate of increase in
recent decades was previously unrecognized.

"If we don't understand what's going on with biogenic
(plant-produced) VOCs, we are not going to be able to
weigh different air-quality strategies properly,"
said Purves. "It's a big enough part of the puzzle that
it really needs to go in there with the rest."

The study may help explain why ozone levels have not improved
in some parts of the country as much as was anticipated
with the enactment of clean-air laws, Purves said.
Environmental technologies such as catalytic converters and
hoses that collect fumes at gas pumps have substantially
reduced human-produced VOCs.

However, in some parts of the country -- particularly the
area extending from Alabama up through the Tennessee Valley
and Virginia -- these improvements may have been outweighed
by increased VOC emissions from forests, mainly because of
tree growth in abandoned farmland and increases in
plantation forestry.

Purves emphasized that cutting the human-caused sources
may have been worthwhile even if ozone levels did not
decrease. "Even keeping the air quality the same might
have been an achievement because if we hadn't done
anything it might have worsened," said Purves.

The study did not measure actual ozone levels. Instead it
focused on VOCs, a crucial part of the chemical reaction that
produces ozone. The other critical ingredient is a class of
gasses known as NOx (various combinations of nitrogen and
oxygen), which are almost entirely man-made.
The ozone-producing reaction happens most readily in hot
weather, which is also when trees produce the most VOCs.

Further studies at Princeton and the federal Geophysical
Fluid Dynamics Lab at Princeton are using sophisticated
computer models to estimate the changes in ozone caused
by the changes in tree-produced VOCs. Purves noted that
interactions between VOCs, NOx and ozone are
complex -- some may actually lower pollution -- so it
would be premature to base environmental policy on
studies of VOCs alone.

Purves, a postdoctoral fellow, wrote the article in
collaboration with Stephen Pacala, professor of ecology
and evolutionary biology at Princeton, as well as John
Casperson of the University of Toronto, Paul Moorcroft
of Harvard University and George Hurtt of the University
of New Hampshire. The article is scheduled to be published
later this fall in the journal Global Change Biology.

The scientists conducted the study by analyzing data
collected by the U.S. Forest Service, which measured
and cataloged 2.7 million trees on 250,000 plots of
land across the country.

They calculated the VOC emissions for each tree and
each plot and used their findings to map VOC levels
nationally. The scientists compared survey data taken
in the 1980s with those taken in the 1990s to determine
how levels were changing over time.

They found that areas where farmland has been abandoned
during the last century have early generations of trees
that produce higher levels of VOCs than older
growth forests.

In the South, pine plantations used for their fast-growing
supplies of timber have proven to be havens for sweetgum
trees, which are major producers of VOCs. Indeed, virtually
every tree that grows fast -- a desirable quality for
forestry production -- is a heavy emitter of VOCs.

"It's just one of those biological correlations," said
Purves. "What you want is a fast-growing tree that
doesn't produce a lot of VOCs, but that doesn't
seem to exist."

The findings also could raise questions about potential
strategies for developing "green" fuels. One idea for
cutting greenhouse gas emissions is to create "biofuels"
from renewable tree plantations; however, these
plantations may lead to increased ozone levels,
the authors note.

The findings lend support to proposals among
environmentalists to shift attention to regulating NOx,
the other main ingredient for ozone. They also underscore
the pervasive effect of human activities on the environment,
because something as seemingly benign as planting forests
can have a substantial impact.

"You can't identify any of these processes as 'natural,'"
said Purves. "The idea of natural versus human-caused is
disappearing. Ten years from now, woodlands may have more
of one species than another, and you could call that natural
change. But here in New Jersey, the mix of trees is affected
by the population of deer, and they are entirely under our
control. In other parts of the country, it is the
fire-suppression policies."

Noting President Ronald Reagan's notorious 1980 reference
to trees causing pollution (Reagan said: "Approximately 80
percent of our air pollution stems from hydrocarbons released
by vegetation."), the authors conclude: "The results reported
here call for a wider recognition that an understanding of
recent, current and anticipated changes in biogenic VOC
emissions is necessary to guide future air-quality policy
decisions; they do not provide any evidence that
responsibility for air pollution can or should be shifted
from humans to trees."

Related Links
Princeton University: http://www.princeton.edu/
SpaceDaily: http://www.spacedaily.com/

*Unlimited New Energy from Sun and Water

*A revolutionary new way of harnessing the power of the
sun to extract almost unlimited energy from water will
be a reality within seven years.

"It would be the cheapest, cleanest and most abundant
energy source ever developed," say scientists from
Australia's University of New South Wales.
"The main by-products would be oxygen and water."

Special titanium oxide ceramics will harvest sunlight
and split water to produce hydrogen fuel.
The researchers say it will then be a simple
engineering exercise to make a device with no moving
parts to harvest the energy; and it will give off no
greenhouse gases or pollutants.

"This is potentially huge, with a market the size of
all the existing markets for coal, oil and gas combined,"
says Professor Janusz Nowotny who, with Professor
Chris Sorrell, is leading a solar hydrogen research
project at the University's Centre for Materials and
Energy Conversion. The team is thought to be the most
advanced in developing the cheap, light-sensitive
materials that will be the basis of the new technology.

Chris Sorrell says Australia is ideally placed to take
advantage of the enormous potential of this new
technology: "We've abundant sunlight, huge reserves of
titanium. But this technology could be used anywhere
in the world. It's been the dream of many people for a
long time to develop it and it's exciting to know that
it is now within such close reach."

Although existing hydrogen fuel cell technology is more
efficient than the internal combustion engine and
dramatically cuts down vehicle emissions, currently
hydrogen is produced from fossil fuel, so that it
still gives off greenhouse gases. This new process
would cut out these emissions.

In Britain, a team of scientists at Leeds University
have developed an-other process that enables hydrogen
to be produced from vegetable oils, so cars could in
future have a tank of sun-flower oil that would be
converted into hydrogen to power the fuel cell motor.

Meanwhile, in Scotland, the world's first
commercial-scale floating Wave Energy Converter,
The Pelamis, has successfully generated its first
electricity for the UK grid.

In the US over 350 bankers and investors met to
explore the state of financing for renewable energy
in America. The American Council on Renewable Energy
and Euromoney was completely oversubscribed.
"It's great to see renewable energy entering the
mainstream," said the organizers.
Post by Koyaanisqatsi Fahrvergnugen
Islam could be classed as a sex-positive religion.
Though it held many positions in common with
Judaism and Christianity, and many characters in
the Bible appear in the Koran, Islamic laws relating
to marriage, divorce, fornication, and other aspects
of sexual behavior are derived more from pre-Islamic
Arabic attitudes than from the Judeo-Christian
tradition. Moreover, the Greek ascetic attitudes
about sex were at first not particualrly strong in
Islam, although they later had some effect.
The key to Islamic outlooks on sex, as on so many
other things, is the teachings of the Prophet
Muhammed, who, true to the Arabic tradition,
regarded sex as a good rather than an evil aspect
of life. This still holds true today.
H. R. P. Dickson, a recorder of Arab customs
and mores, reported in the 1930s that it was
no exageration to say that sexual intercourse
is loved by the ordinary Arab above all pleasures
in the world. It is the one great pleasure common
to rich and poor alike, and the one moment of
forgetfulness in his daily round of troubles that
Badawin or townsmen can enjoy. Men and women
equally love the act, which is said to keep men
young, "just like riding a mare."
In this attitude the Arabs were simply reflecting
the teachings of Muhammed.
A nineteenth-century Muslim writer summarized
the Islamic attitudes.
Coition is one of the causes of the preservation of
health. Let him among you who is in a condition for
having sufficient copulation marry: marriage gives
moderation of the gaze and more obligatorily turns
one away from incest and adultery.
Before Muhammed, The Arabs were a male-centered
tribal people pacticing polygamy, circumcision, and
occasional infanticide, whose customs and gods were
being undermined by outside forces, Including
Christianity and Judaism. Though the Prophet modified,
changed, abolished, and reformed many traditional
Arabic customs and beliefs, the Muslim Arabs
remained a male-centered, polygamous society in which
women were regarded as inferior to men. Muhammed,
regarded by Islam as the last and greatest of the
prophets of Allah, was born in Mecca about 570 A.D.
and died there in 632 A.D. [...]
[Sexual Variance in Society and History
by Vern L. Bullough 1976 - University of Chicago Press]
Toutatis to Pass By Earth On Wednesday
The H.E.S.S. Telescope system, a new scout to the
high-energy universe, will be opened on
September 28, 2004 in the vicinity of
the Gamsberg/Namibia
A new system of large telescopes, dedicated to the
search of the sources of high energetic particles with
energies of more than 100 GeV, like supernova
remnants and other exotic objects, will be opened on
September 28, 2004 by the prime minister of the
Republic of Namibia, Dr. Theo-Ben Gurirab. Numerous
high-ranking guests from Namibia, South Africa,
France and Germany will attend the ceremony on the
Farm Goellschau in Namibia. The international project,
which is coordinated by the Max Planck Institute for
Nuclear Physics, is based on technologies from
particle physics. It provides a powerful instrument
for the young research field of TeV-astronomy,
and may for the first time allow the detection of
"dark matter" in the universe. The inauguration of the
four telescopes marks the completion of the
installation of the first phase of H.E.S.S.
The telescope system can start its work for the
benefit of the worldwide astronomical community.
Entheogens in Christianity
"... the poor could never afford to buy a hit of ergot
to experience ego death, unity consciousness, and
heaven-on-earth. But Jesus gave them ergot for free,
so that they could experience ego death, and the
priests -- who had a thriving business -- were
infuriated and seriously threatened..."
The Origins of Christianity and
the Quest for the Historical Jesus Christ
"...These comprise the nine most important prophecies
of the Hopis, connected with the creation of the nine
worlds: the three previous worlds on which we lived,
the present Fourth World, the three future worlds we
have yet to experience, and the world of Taiowa, the
Creator, and his nephew, Sotuknang."
[From The Book of the Hopi by Frank Waters]
"Near the day of the Great Purification,
there will be cobwebs spun
back and forth in the sky."
"The Purification will begin shortly
after humans build a great house in
the sky. By then there will be fires
everywhere and greedy, selfish,
power-mad leaders, internal wars."
-- pre-Colombian Hopi prophecies
Department of Mathematics,
University of Pisa, ITALY
Emergent Consciousness: The "Big Wow" theory
From the Early Universe to Our Mind
Are We Being Taken to the Cleaners by Spacetime Physicists?
...And, speaking of rocks falling from the sky...
"... "In pre-Islamic days, called the Days of Ignorance,
the religious background of the Arabs was pagan, and
basically animistic. ..."
"According to some (apparently different) sources such as
"... Muhammad's uncle was one of the resident priests of the
Shiv temple known as 'Kaaba'. ... this glorious Hindu temple
was made to symbolically represent a microcosm of the
universe. ... Right at the centre of the Kaaba
was the octogonal pedestal of Bramha the creator. ...
Muhammad destroyed all 360 idols,
but even he could not summon the courage to
completely obliterate the Shivling in the Kaaba. ...
"... Today it lies broken at seven places and
held together by a silver band studded with silver nails,
bearing the name 'Sangey Aswad' which came from the
Sanskrit Ashwet meaning non-white or black stone.
"... oral recitation of Vedic scriptures was always done in
a lyrical fashion, utilizing music ... Muhammad decided to
forbid Music. ...".
"The status of women was that of pride and equal respect.
How could it be otherwise with a people whose chief deity
was the goddess Durga (Alla). Women married men of their
choice and were financially independent. They were
entrepeneurs, artisans, poets and even warriors! Later on
Muhammad would marry Khadija, who was not only a wealthy
merchant but also in the position to choose her own
husband. This clearly demonstrates the level of freedom
women enjoyed in Vedic Arabia. Hind, who was the wife of
Muhammad's chief enemy Abu Sufyan, herself participated
in the battlefield."
"Gone were the schools, teachers, libraries,
poets, artists, philosophers and scholars that
had littered the Vedic landscape of Arabia like
stars. Everyone had to become a raider if not
from choice then for the sake of surviving the
absolute intolerance of dissenters, that Islam
preached. Thus was the light of learning
extinguished in Arabia. All that remained was
the Koran, the Kalma and the murderous hatred
of anything Non-Muslim."
"Kali: the bloodthirsty wife of Shiva,
with blue-black body, four arms, using a human skull
as a cup. Her color symbolizes eternal night of
non-existence, free of illusion and distinction.
She wears a garland of the heads of impure
thoughts, which She has severed from the
personalities of Her devotees."
"The Shivling is the sacred meteorite. [...]
From the Hindu point of view, it is Shiva's lingham,
or phallic symbol. [...]
"Although the above is not widely known in Eurocentric societies,
it is common knowledge in India, and indicates some of the history
and depth of feeling that is involved in the Muslim-Hindu conflicts
between Pakistan and India."
"... Muhammad received his first revelation in
610, on the mountain of Hira outside Mecca. The
revelation came in a time when Muhammad searched
for solitude. ..."
"... Mohammed stayed [in Mecca in 615] because
his family connections protected him ... He came
into the courtyard of the Kaaba and suggested
that the gods and goddesses of Mecca might be
real after all, serving as saints or angels to
mediate between God and man. ... These are the
so-called "Satanic verses" that have caused much
controversy among scholars of Islam. ... They
[the Meccan establishment] enthusiastically
received his [Mohammed's] recantation, but when
he [Mohammed] saw the reaction he repented ...
He [Mohammed] said that the devil had momentarily
possessed his tongue, and denounced idolatry more
vigorously than before. ...".
by Noshir H. Dadrawala
[...] "The chief divine figure of the Yazidi is
Malak Taus ('Peacock Angel'), worshipped in the form
of a peacock. He rules the universe with six other
angels, but all seven are subordinate to the supreme
God, who has had no direct interest in the universe
since he created it. The seven angels are worshipped
by the Yazidi in the form of seven bronze or iron
peacock figures called sanjaq, the largest of which
weighs nearly 700 pounds." [...]
The Logic of Quantum Mechanics Derived from Classical General
Author: Mark J. Hadley (Univ. of Warwick, UK)
Comments: 16 pages Latex
Journal-ref: Found.Phys.Lett. 10 (1997) 43-60
Quantum Gravity as a Dissipative Deterministic System
Author: Gerard 't Hooft
Comments: 20 pages plain TeX, 2 figures PostScript. Added some further
explanations, and the definitions of 'beable' and 'changeable'.
A minor error corrected
Report-no: THU-99/07
Journal-ref: Class.Quant.Grav. 16 (1999) 3263-3279
On Gravity, Holography and the Quantum
Authors: Carsten van de Bruck (Brown University)
Comments: 21 pages, 1 figure. Some references added and typos
corrected. Some points are (hopefully) made clearer in sections 6
and 7 Report-no: Brown-HET-1210
Dissipation and quantization
Authors: Massimo Blasone, Petr Jizba, Giuseppe Vitiello
Comments: 4 pages, RevTeX, 1 figure. Revised version with
minor changes
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. A287 (2001) 205-210
Chaotic Quantization of Classical Gauge Fields
Authors: T.S. Biro, S.G. Matinyan, B. Müller
Report-no: DUKE-TH-01-211
Journal-ref: Found.Phys.Lett. 14 (2001) 471-485
Flat space physics from holography
Authors: Raphael Bousso
Comments: 11 pages, 3 figures; v2: minor corrections
Report-no: UCB-PTH-04/02
Journal-ref: JHEP 0405 (2004) 050
Quantum Mechanics as Quantum Information (and only a little more)
Authors: Christopher A. Fuchs (Bell Labs)
Comments: 59 pages, 5 figures, 140 equations, one simple idea
"It ain't over 'til it's over." Yogi Berra
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