Horwath URL UPDATE - was Re: I say we should give him what's owed. - was Re: HE1G02
(too old to reply)
2004-02-08 19:55:01 UTC
What better way to get even with a child pornography distributor than to
use his 1-year-old baby daughter for an identity theft project, or even
making a "friendly" phone call to his home at 3:00 AM ?
Are you proud of threatening to steal a 1 year old child's identity, or
prank call someone?
Justin Thyme
2004-02-08 21:27:30 UTC
What better way to get even with a child pornography distributor than to
use his 1-year-old baby daughter for an identity theft project, or even
making a "friendly" phone call to his home at 3:00 AM ?
What kind of idiot does this shit ? Why not just call the cops ? Evidently -
vigilatism is just too much fun to resist, and so it's OK for some of us to
be criminals, while others may not be allowed to be criminals, and some
criminals may therefore commit crimes against the others.

Stephen K. Gielda
2004-02-08 22:06:31 UTC
In article <1RxVb.247076$***@attbi_s01>, ***@N-O-S-P-A-
Mcomcast.net says...
Post by Justin Thyme
What better way to get even with a child pornography distributor than to
use his 1-year-old baby daughter for an identity theft project, or even
making a "friendly" phone call to his home at 3:00 AM ?
What kind of idiot does this shit ? Why not just call the cops ? Evidently -
vigilatism is just too much fun to resist, and so it's OK for some of us to
be criminals, while others may not be allowed to be criminals, and some
criminals may therefore commit crimes against the others.
The poster is trying to harass an innocent. Mike runs a Usenet
service and this poster doesn't like him.

Protect yourself on-line. Hide your identifying details in e-mail,
usenet, and more. A privacy service like no other.
No one gives you more control over your e-mail than we do!
Justin Thyme
2004-02-09 00:49:08 UTC
Post by Stephen K. Gielda
Post by Justin Thyme
What better way to get even with a child pornography distributor than to
use his 1-year-old baby daughter for an identity theft project, or even
making a "friendly" phone call to his home at 3:00 AM ?
What kind of idiot does this shit ? Why not just call the cops ? Evidently -
vigilatism is just too much fun to resist, and so it's OK for some of us to
be criminals, while others may not be allowed to be criminals, and some
criminals may therefore commit crimes against the others.
The poster is trying to harass an innocent. Mike runs a Usenet
service and this poster doesn't like him.
Seems very obvious that this is just pure slander.

I think that it speaks volumes to the way certain people in society see
others - if you dont like someone you can just slander and/or lie about them
and then hope that violence will result or whatever.

I have more respect for someone who has the balls to conduct his own acts of
violence than trying to convince others like a coward.

When we think about privacy issues, I hope that we remember that there are
folks just like the poster who are filled with hate, people who would rip
into your personal private matters and blown them open out of pure hate, and
people who would just plain flat out lie in an attempt to destroy their
fellow man.

It really does not increase my faith in mankind.
George Oilwell
2004-02-11 06:52:37 UTC
Post by Justin Thyme
When we think about privacy issues, I hope that we remember that there are
folks just like the poster who are filled with hate, people who would rip
into your personal private matters and blown them open out of pure hate, and
people who would just plain flat out lie in an attempt to destroy their
fellow man.
Couldn't have said it better. Don't loose your "faith in mankind" to
quickly. Hopefully
this creep is an exception.

Michael Edwin Horwath the person slandered could bring legal action against
this creep "chr456"
by reporting him to NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Complaints-To:
and getting the RCMP involved as his ISP is Canadian.


_ G O D _
2004-02-09 02:24:20 UTC
Post by Justin Thyme
vigilatism is just too much fun to resist, and so it's OK for some of us to
be criminals, while others may not be allowed to be criminals, and some
criminals may therefore commit crimes against the others.
Amazing, indeed... Evidently, people don't mind to take
advantage of opportunity to take control over situation and
to play the boss for those who misbehave...

While being not very strong competitors to a gun-toting pigs,
and significantly less harmful than any other official representative
of law and order, they must be don't want to be at the disadvantage,
and would like to have a risk of challenging the monopoly on
authority by extremely sadistic incarceration industry, and wouldn't
mind to chase the rascal away on their own...

What is wrong with people maintaining the order without full
involvement of the whole system?

If you were so law-abiding and politically correct to the point of
reporting every incident of minor law infraction to the "rightful
authority", and haven't been more efficient or so useful for the
convenience to self and others, you wouldn't have made such a
comment, to begin with... But apparently - you are enjoying the
fact that it works for you, too...

I intend to last long enough to put out of business all COck-suckers
and other employees of all institutions of the incarceration industry.


"The army that will defeat terrorism doesn't wear uniforms, or drive
Humvees, or calls in air-strikes. It doesn't have a high command, or
high security, or a high budget. The army that can defeat terrorism
does battle quietly, clearing minefields and vaccinating children. It
undermines military dictatorships and military lobbyists. It subverts
sweatshops and special interests.Where people feel powerless, it
helps them organize for change, and where people are powerful, it
reminds them of their responsibility." ~~~~ Author Unknown ~~~~
George Oilwell
2004-02-11 06:41:44 UTC
What better way to get even with a child pornography distributor than to
use his 1-year-old baby daughter for an identity theft project, or even
making a "friendly" phone call to his home at 3:00 AM ?
You have to be the biggest moron whoever posted in this group. Its all about
privacy and in you come spreading hate and misinformation about alleged
people. SHAME ON YOU!!!!!