OT for some newsgroups: Meaning of dream wanted
(too old to reply)
The New Chris Assaf
2005-04-24 23:11:35 UTC
I had a dream that i was a correctional officer. I was watching over a
man that had charismatic/pentecostal beliefs. He was an inmate and he
was preaching to a congregation, boys & girls, that consisted of mostly
kids. We were in the shipping/receiving area of the correctional
facility. The preacher inmate came over to me and stopped. I almost
broke down in tears probably because of some sin. He talked to me for a
bit and told me to bring someone to him.

The door to the shipping/receiving area of the correctional facility
was barred and the devil, which looked like Ransik from Power Rangers
Time Force, was sitting there shackled. He was in a room between the
shipping/receiving area and the outside world. I went to that room and
brought the devil in.

I told him his prisoner number and brought him to the preacher. The
preacher was having a few words with him which i could not make out.
(He wasn;t speaking in tongues, just whispering).

After that, all I could remember was the prwacher talking to me again
saying, "I need you to do something for me." and then I woke up.

Any idea what the dream means.
2005-04-24 23:45:35 UTC
Yes this subject is not appropriate for such a public forum because
anything sincere someone says will in fact ruin any power of what is
being said because it is so public.

However I am curious for more information:
1) How old are you?
2)Have you ever been a prisoner or guard(or warden or whatever) ie is
the dream a subjective or objective reference to prison.
3) What other references from your litterary or artistic past do you
have that can be associated... for instance have you read Jung, or
Carlos Casteneda ==> in fact if you want more of a dream interpretation
audience I would suggest going to one of those newsgroups... I recall
there is one associated with castenada by name... there you will find
other newsgroups(crossposts) as well, associated with dream
Also those newsgroups last I looked were less abusive.
The New Chris Assaf
2005-04-24 23:50:41 UTC
Post by s***@netzero.com
Yes this subject is not appropriate for such a public forum because
anything sincere someone says will in fact ruin any power of what is
being said because it is so public.
1) How old are you?
Post by s***@netzero.com
2)Have you ever been a prisoner or guard(or warden or whatever) ie is
the dream a subjective or objective reference to prison.
No, But interested in it, though.
Post by s***@netzero.com
3) What other references from your litterary or artistic past do you
have that can be associated... for instance have you read Jung, or
Carlos Casteneda ==> in fact if you want more of a dream
Post by s***@netzero.com
audience I would suggest going to one of those newsgroups... I recall
there is one associated with castenada by name... there you will find
other newsgroups(crossposts) as well, associated with dream
Also those newsgroups last I looked were less abusive.
My dream involved me being a correctional officer, that is why I
included this newsgroup. It is also posted to alt.dreams.
2005-04-25 04:34:44 UTC
Post by s***@netzero.com
2)Have you ever been a prisoner or guard(or warden or whatever) ie is
the dream a subjective or objective reference to prison.
No, But interested in it, though.

Then probably most of the dream is related to that... ie you were
intersted in being a guard before the dream... you have some friends or
family wo have suggested it (do not consider me your friend...) for
instance I am not going to clean up the rambling answer I will give you
... if you want to make sense out of it you have to get past my
spelling and grammar... and I have not finished it yet so I dont even
know if I will think there is anything valuable here.

As to the idea that you will find Christ in prison... I think the dream
is strongly suggestive that you are going to become a prison guard and
that you found so much pain from seeing Christ there... The whole
thing looks more Freudian (at least the way I am analyzing it... ie
this is no mystical message type of thing ... though Freud often sounds
that way) than much else in that your dream is suggesting challenges...
You seem to believe you have some semblance of a Christian faith...[BUT
FAITH] this is why I say Freudian because your subconciousness is
presenting the challenge to your faith...(your immature faith) that
working in a prison surely would be a learning experience in regard to
challenging what you thingk is right and wrong and even your idea that
you are a good person.

My warning to you is that there is nothing righteous about prison...
you will find many prisoners there who are serious about their faith...
just like the old saying "There are no atheists in foxholes" men are
being abused for their whole lives... or at least big chuinks of it...
to them prison is hell on earth... you will also find guards for whom
this power over others makes them feel good about themselves -- THIS IS
DEGREE.... you willl also see many prisoners who would like to see you
dead... some are both of these.

So dont be a guard... but your dream suggests to me that you likely
will be a guard at least for some period of time ... hopefully you will
then quickly learn your lesson and do something else.
Here is something:
Napalm Heart
2005-04-25 03:34:31 UTC
Post by The New Chris Assaf
I had a dream that i was a correctional officer. I was watching over a
man that had charismatic/pentecostal beliefs. He was an inmate and he
was preaching to a congregation, boys & girls, that consisted of mostly
kids. We were in the shipping/receiving area of the correctional
facility. The preacher inmate came over to me and stopped. I almost
broke down in tears probably because of some sin. He talked to me for a
bit and told me to bring someone to him.
The door to the shipping/receiving area of the correctional facility
was barred and the devil, which looked like Ransik from Power
Post by The New Chris Assaf
Time Force, was sitting there shackled. He was in a room between the
shipping/receiving area and the outside world. I went to that room and
brought the devil in.
I told him his prisoner number and brought him to the preacher. The
preacher was having a few words with him which i could not make out.
(He wasn;t speaking in tongues, just whispering).
After that, all I could remember was the prwacher talking to me again
saying, "I need you to do something for me." and then I woke up.
Any idea what the dream means.
It means that you wouldn't have been doing your job as an officer.
Maybe it means that you shouldn't enter the profession.

Ken (MI)
Dick Silk - The Computer Tutor
2005-04-25 04:45:57 UTC
sounds like you're going to help change someone's life, possibly by
casting out a demon.
If you have a dream like this again, you should force the demon to
leave the body of the human it is possessing, thus leaving you with a
clear image (true image) of the person's soul (instead of the demonic
http://personalpages.tds.net/~rcsilk for rates
http://dicksilk.chatango.com for live chat
Post by The New Chris Assaf
I had a dream that i was a correctional officer. I was watching over a
man that had charismatic/pentecostal beliefs. He was an inmate and he
was preaching to a congregation, boys & girls, that consisted of mostly
kids. We were in the shipping/receiving area of the correctional
facility. The preacher inmate came over to me and stopped. I almost
broke down in tears probably because of some sin. He talked to me for a
bit and told me to bring someone to him.
The door to the shipping/receiving area of the correctional facility
was barred and the devil, which looked like Ransik from Power
Time Force, was sitting there shackled. He was in a room between the
shipping/receiving area and the outside world. I went to that room and
brought the devil in.
I told him his prisoner number and brought him to the preacher. The
preacher was having a few words with him which i could not make out.
(He wasn;t speaking in tongues, just whispering).
After that, all I could remember was the prwacher talking to me again
saying, "I need you to do something for me." and then I woke up.
Any idea what the dream means.
2005-04-25 16:28:11 UTC
Post by The New Chris Assaf
I had a dream that i was a correctional officer. I was watching over a
man that had charismatic/pentecostal beliefs. He was an inmate and he
was preaching to a congregation, boys & girls, that consisted of mostly
kids. We were in the shipping/receiving area of the correctional
facility. The preacher inmate came over to me and stopped. I almost
broke down in tears probably because of some sin. He talked to me for a
bit and told me to bring someone to him.
The door to the shipping/receiving area of the correctional facility
was barred and the devil, which looked like Ransik from Power Rangers
Time Force, was sitting there shackled. He was in a room between the
shipping/receiving area and the outside world. I went to that room and
brought the devil in.
I told him his prisoner number and brought him to the preacher. The
preacher was having a few words with him which i could not make out.
(He wasn;t speaking in tongues, just whispering).
After that, all I could remember was the prwacher talking to me again
saying, "I need you to do something for me." and then I woke up.
Any idea what the dream means.
Yes, It is very clear to me. Stop watching power rangers!

But seriously, I think you realize that even though you were the corrections
officer, the true authority lied with the inmate that was the preacher.

Authority can be given by man for governance(etc) but the authority that God
gives has jurisdiction in this would and the spiritual world. This is the
true power.

I would NOT try to "cast out a devil" as others have mentioned, until you
know your true authority that is given by God. Devils to not heed threats
nor pleas. They only respond to authority.

A good place to start is a book by Watchmen Nee called "Spiritual Authority"

"Blame it on the Baptists"
