=> Vox Populi ©
2004-07-27 03:55:30 UTC
Ill-timed cigarette lands man in jail
Longmont resident was caught smoking in Boulder hospital room
By Camera staff
July 19, 2004
A man's propensity to light up, and his stubbornness when caught, netted him at
least two nights in jail and a likely appearance before a judge for smoking in a
Boulder Community Hospital room.
Boulder police officers booked Siphan Saengpraseuth, 33, at the Boulder County
Jail on Saturday evening after hospital staff members asked that he be ticketed
for smoking in a room connected to three other patients' at the hospital, 1100
Balsam Ave.
A nurse reported smelling cigarette smoke as she treated a patient next to
Saengpraseuth, seeing Saengpraseuth smoking and then taking the cigarette from
him and putting it out before telling an officer arriving at the hospital's
emergency room.
The officer wrote a ticket on the municipal charge of "smoking where prohibited"
and gave it to Saengpraseuth to sign.
"I refuse ... take me jail," he responded, according to a police report.
Officers urged Saengpraseuth several times to sign the summons which would
have allowed him to remain free but the Longmont resident refused, reports
Boulder code has, since 1995, prohibited smoking in most indoor spaces except
private homes or areas of bars and restaurants that are enclosed with separate
ventilation systems. Violations of the smoking ban can carry fines of up to
Saengpraseuth remained at the jail overnight Sunday with a bond of $100.
Longmont resident was caught smoking in Boulder hospital room
By Camera staff
July 19, 2004
A man's propensity to light up, and his stubbornness when caught, netted him at
least two nights in jail and a likely appearance before a judge for smoking in a
Boulder Community Hospital room.
Boulder police officers booked Siphan Saengpraseuth, 33, at the Boulder County
Jail on Saturday evening after hospital staff members asked that he be ticketed
for smoking in a room connected to three other patients' at the hospital, 1100
Balsam Ave.
A nurse reported smelling cigarette smoke as she treated a patient next to
Saengpraseuth, seeing Saengpraseuth smoking and then taking the cigarette from
him and putting it out before telling an officer arriving at the hospital's
emergency room.
The officer wrote a ticket on the municipal charge of "smoking where prohibited"
and gave it to Saengpraseuth to sign.
"I refuse ... take me jail," he responded, according to a police report.
Officers urged Saengpraseuth several times to sign the summons which would
have allowed him to remain free but the Longmont resident refused, reports
Boulder code has, since 1995, prohibited smoking in most indoor spaces except
private homes or areas of bars and restaurants that are enclosed with separate
ventilation systems. Violations of the smoking ban can carry fines of up to
Saengpraseuth remained at the jail overnight Sunday with a bond of $100.