Proliferation of Crime by Culture of Hate
(too old to reply)
Marid P. Cathmor
2003-10-18 12:52:12 UTC
The following article has been published by Dr. D.N. Donovan on
australia.edu and some discussion

groups devoted to the subject of Justice. -MPC

For years, I've been studying the US System of Justice. I've sat during a
couple of hundreds of

criminal proceedings in circuit courts of Illinois, Wisconsin and Florida.
I've visited many

jails and prisons, conducted interviews with hundreds of prisoners and
members of their families.

I can testify to the world that the US system of justice is no more based on
true ideals of

impartial objectivity, as any other system of justice in the world. And yes,
it is almost

entirely based upon the most negative human emotions: hate, fear, and greed.

I know too well that the main reasons for the abuse of drugs and alcohol,
which in turn are at

the roots of most of the most serious crimes, are both psychiatric
illnesses, and psychological

weaknesses. Almost all abusers of intoxicants suffer either from a serious
illness, or at least

from a psychological condition, such as low self-esteem, lack of belief in
one's own abilities,

increased emotional sensitivity, and all other varieties of neurosis, etc.
After receiving harsh sentences, based entirely on hate and desire for
revenge of the

legislators, jurors, persecutors and judges, these people enter the
so-called "system of

corrections", where they suffer additional blows upon their already ailing
psyche: hate,

disrespect, abuse and torture are everyday reality of the U.S. jails and
prisons (torture is

frequently applied using such hard-to-prove means of creating extreme pain,
as turning on the air

conditioning at full cooling power in the middle of winter, when prisoners
are locked up in their

cells, or turning on an extremely loud, high-pitch security sirens, also
when prisoners can't

escape it, and running them for hours at a time. Should any complaints be
filed, the explanation,

of course, is that "technical malfunction has occurred", no ill intentions
taken place


As a result of such "corrections", people leave the system hurting more than
ever before, more

succeptible to drug and alcohol abuse, less able to adapt to life and become
productive members

of the society.

It is my strongest belief that the US System of Justice should be renamed
into the "System of

Hate and Revenge". I also sincerely hope that the creators and supporters of
the world's largest,

US Prison-Industrial Complex, also known as the American Gulag, one bright
for the human race day

in the future, will be arrested and charged with crimes against humanity.
Charges will include, I

believe, devastation of many millions of American families, extreme
emotional and developmental

injury inflicted upon the millions and millions of American children,
governmental corruption on

a particularly grand scale, practice of slavery, mass application of
torture, extreme abuse of

the human rights, and proliferation of crime within the American society,
resulting in massive

loss of lives and property.

And our times eventually will be viewed by the future generations in the
same light, as we now

view the darkest times of Medieval Inquisition.

Dermot Donovan, Ph.D, Ed.D
Canberra-London-New York
2003-10-18 13:14:20 UTC
Dermot the moron is clueless and he forgot to give his # inmate number. It's
so not right for a person to kill or rape someone and have to pay for it,
Lol OH PLZZZZZZZZ. If you are ever in Texas look me up. We know how to deal
with your kind.
Post by Marid P. Cathmor
Dermot Donovan, Ph.D, Ed.D
Canberra-London-New York
Marid P. Cathmor
2003-10-19 05:23:27 UTC
I have reposted the article by Dr. Donovan, since I consider it a worthwhile
reading for anyone.

Many of the facts he wrote about are supported by the great many
publications written by prominent lawyers, journalists and scholars of the
US system of justice. Having no time to get deeply into details, I want to
suggest some important reading, such as books:

Race to Incarcerate by Marc Mauer;

Invisible Punishment: The Collateral Consequences of Mass Imprisonment, also
by Marc Mauer;

Hard Time Blues: How Politics Built a Prison Nation by Sasha Abramsky;

Crime and Punishment in America by Elliott Currie;

Prison Nation: The Warehousing of America's Poor by Tara Herivel, et al;

The Culture of Control: Crime and Social Order in Contemporary Society by
David Garland;

Going Up the River: Travels in a Prison Nation by Joseph T. Hallinan;

American Prejudice: With Liberty and Justice for Some by Richard H. Ropers,
et al.

Freedom in Chains: The Rise of the State and the Demise of the Citizen by
James Bovard.

The Tyranny of Good Intentions: How Prosecutors and Bureaucrats are
Trampling the Constitution in the Name of Justice, by Paul Craig Roberts;

The Rich Get Richer and The Poor Get Prison by Prof. Jeffrey Reiman

Lost Rights: The Destruction of American Liberty by James Bovard, and many

Why Our Drug Laws Have Failed and What We Can Do About It: A Judicial
Indictment of the War on Drugs, by James P. Gray

Some of these books have been written by liberals, others by conservatives
(such as James Bovard!!). So are the web sites below. I think, every true
American owes it to his or her children, and children of their children, to
quit ignoring the realities of life.

Some important web sites:







On torture in US Prisons:


http://www.lewrockwell.com/elkins/elkins27.html ("Torture is as American as
Apple Pie")




And hundreds more. Just enter keywords such as Torture in America, U.S.
Torture, Fascism in America, police state in America....

You have the right to agree or disagree with what you read. Just don't ever
say you didn't know.

Afterwards get the George Orwell's book titled "1984", or rent the movie
with the same title. Think about it. And about this wise quote: "They who
would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither
liberty nor security" -Benjamin Franklin.

Or this one: "We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at
home" --Edward R. Murrow.

How about this?:
"None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are
free." - Goethe.

And one by H.L. Mencken: "The average man does not want to be free. He
simply wants to be safe."

Henry David Thoreau:
"Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just
man is also a prison."

How many more years, do you think, do we have 'till Orwellian 1984?
Seriously! Don't we already have the population ready to sacrifice their
children for their Leaders' ideas, whatever they might be, chanting "United
we stand!" and waving all those flags? The terrorism as the cause of death
is number what in the US? Are your chances higher to die from the act of
terror, or from choking on a piece of food? What they have been in the past?

How about crime? Do our own criminals, foreign terrorists, or bad doctors
and sloppy hospitals kill more people, what do you think? Or insurance
companies that refuse needed treatment, or payment for important drugs? How
about some research on your own? And what do you get in exchange for living
in a Prison Nation, inside The World Champion of Gulag? What do you get for
sacrificing your Bill of Rights?

Will you get the Earthly Immortality? A thousand more years? Maybe only a
hundred? Fifty? What's the deal?

How about some thinking for a change? For a Big Change?!

---M.P. Cathmor
Post by Marid P. Cathmor
The following article has been published by Dr. D.N. Donovan on
australia.edu and some discussion
groups devoted to the subject of Justice.
Post by Marid P. Cathmor
For years, I've been studying the US System of Justice. I've sat during a
couple of hundreds of
criminal proceedings in circuit courts of Illinois, Wisconsin and Florida.
I've visited many
jails and prisons, conducted interviews with hundreds of prisoners and
members of their families.
I can testify to the world that the US system of justice is no more based on
true ideals of
impartial objectivity, as any other system of justice in the world. And yes,
it is almost
entirely based upon the most negative human emotions: hate, fear, and greed.
I know too well that the main reasons for the abuse of drugs and alcohol,
which in turn are at
the roots of most of the most serious crimes, are both psychiatric
illnesses, and psychological
weaknesses. Almost all abusers of intoxicants suffer either from a serious
illness, or at least
from a psychological condition, such as low self-esteem, lack of belief in
one's own abilities,
increased emotional sensitivity, and all other varieties of neurosis, etc.
After receiving harsh sentences, based entirely on hate and desire for
revenge of the
legislators, jurors, persecutors and judges, these people enter the
so-called "system of
corrections", where they suffer additional blows upon their already ailing
psyche: hate,
disrespect, abuse and torture are everyday reality of the U.S. jails and
prisons (torture is
frequently applied using such hard-to-prove means of creating extreme pain,
as turning on the air
conditioning at full cooling power in the middle of winter, when prisoners
are locked up in their
cells, or turning on an extremely loud, high-pitch security sirens, also
when prisoners can't
escape it, and running them for hours at a time. Should any complaints be
filed, the explanation,
of course, is that "technical malfunction has occurred", no ill intentions
taken place
As a result of such "corrections", people leave the system hurting more than
ever before, more
succeptible to drug and alcohol abuse, less able to adapt to life and become
productive members
of the society.
It is my strongest belief that the US System of Justice should be renamed
into the "System of
Hate and Revenge". I also sincerely hope that the creators and supporters of
the world's largest,
US Prison-Industrial Complex, also known as the American Gulag, one bright
for the human race day
in the future, will be arrested and charged with crimes against humanity.
Charges will include, I
believe, devastation of many millions of American families, extreme
emotional and developmental
injury inflicted upon the millions and millions of American children,
governmental corruption on
a particularly grand scale, mass application of torture, extreme abuse of
the human rights, and
proliferation of crime within the American society, resulting in massive
loss of lives and
And our times eventually will be viewed by the future generations in the
same light, as we now
view the darkest times of Medieval Inquisition.
Dermot Donovan, Ph.D, Ed.D
New York-London-Canberra
Dermot the moron is clueless and he forgot to give his # inmate number. It's
so not right for a person to kill or rape someone and have to pay for it,
Lol OH PLZZZZZZZZ. If you are ever in Texas look me up. We know how to deal
with your kind.
Post by Marid P. Cathmor
Dermot Donovan, Ph.D, Ed.D
Canberra-London-New York
2003-10-19 13:25:08 UTC
Wait. You use the ACLU as a source for your diatribe?
The Village Voice?
With such "objectivity" to the issue one might as well go to the KKK
for racial views, or B'Nai Brith for an answer to the Palestinian
Post by Marid P. Cathmor
I have reposted the article by Dr. Donovan, since I consider it a worthwhile
reading for anyone.
Many of the facts he wrote about are supported by the great many
publications written by prominent lawyers, journalists and scholars of the
US system of justice. Having no time to get deeply into details, I want to
Race to Incarcerate by Marc Mauer;
Invisible Punishment: The Collateral Consequences of Mass Imprisonment, also
by Marc Mauer;
Hard Time Blues: How Politics Built a Prison Nation by Sasha Abramsky;
Crime and Punishment in America by Elliott Currie;
Prison Nation: The Warehousing of America's Poor by Tara Herivel, et al;
The Culture of Control: Crime and Social Order in Contemporary Society by
David Garland;
Going Up the River: Travels in a Prison Nation by Joseph T. Hallinan;
American Prejudice: With Liberty and Justice for Some by Richard H. Ropers,
et al.
Freedom in Chains: The Rise of the State and the Demise of the Citizen by
James Bovard.
The Tyranny of Good Intentions: How Prosecutors and Bureaucrats are
Trampling the Constitution in the Name of Justice, by Paul Craig Roberts;
The Rich Get Richer and The Poor Get Prison by Prof. Jeffrey Reiman
Lost Rights: The Destruction of American Liberty by James Bovard, and many
Why Our Drug Laws Have Failed and What We Can Do About It: A Judicial
Indictment of the War on Drugs, by James P. Gray
Some of these books have been written by liberals, others by conservatives
(such as James Bovard!!). So are the web sites below. I think, every true
American owes it to his or her children, and children of their children, to
quit ignoring the realities of life.
http://www.lewrockwell.com/elkins/elkins27.html ("Torture is as American as
Apple Pie")
And hundreds more. Just enter keywords such as Torture in America, U.S.
Torture, Fascism in America, police state in America....
You have the right to agree or disagree with what you read. Just don't ever
say you didn't know.
Afterwards get the George Orwell's book titled "1984", or rent the movie
with the same title. Think about it. And about this wise quote: "They who
would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither
liberty nor security" -Benjamin Franklin.
Or this one: "We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at
home" --Edward R. Murrow.
"None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are
free." - Goethe.
And one by H.L. Mencken: "The average man does not want to be free. He
simply wants to be safe."
"Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just
man is also a prison."
How many more years, do you think, do we have 'till Orwellian 1984?
Seriously! Don't we already have the population ready to sacrifice their
children for their Leaders' ideas, whatever they might be, chanting "United
we stand!" and waving all those flags? The terrorism as the cause of death
is number what in the US? Are your chances higher to die from the act of
terror, or from choking on a piece of food? What they have been in the past?
How about crime? Do our own criminals, foreign terrorists, or bad doctors
and sloppy hospitals kill more people, what do you think? Or insurance
companies that refuse needed treatment, or payment for important drugs? How
about some research on your own? And what do you get in exchange for living
in a Prison Nation, inside The World Champion of Gulag? What do you get for
sacrificing your Bill of Rights?
Will you get the Earthly Immortality? A thousand more years? Maybe only a
hundred? Fifty? What's the deal?
How about some thinking for a change? For a Big Change?!
---M.P. Cathmor
Post by Marid P. Cathmor
The following article has been published by Dr. D.N. Donovan on
australia.edu and some discussion
groups devoted to the subject of Justice.
Marid P. Cathmor
2003-10-19 15:54:53 UTC
Post by Len
Wait. You use the ACLU as a source for your diatribe?
The Village Voice?
With such "objectivity" to the issue one might as well go to the KKK
for racial views, or B'Nai Brith for an answer to the Palestinian
This approach to facts and truth, as expressed above by Len, has been
remarkably common in totalitarian societies. Being intellectually unable to
discuss and critique various facts and opinions, the totalitarian
practicians attack the source of such facts and opinions.

In other words, they not only kill the messenger, if they don't like the
message. They also kill the message, if they don't like the messenger.

I believe, the truth remains truth, regardless of who is presenting it, and
great many resources I have offered to readers' attention come from the
different poles of political spectrum: some are from liberals, some come
from conservatives, libertarians, centrists, etc.

I personally practice mostly conservative values, for decades have been
devoted to the same Wife, raised 4 wonderful children, not only stayed at
school but earned 4 college degrees, the last one at the age of 53, etc.etc.

With regards to the ACLU, I believe, we would have been much, much closer to
the Orwellian 1984, if not the remarkable efforts by the ACLU. With some of
the America's finest lawyers, educated at Harvard, Stanford and Princeton at
the helm, this organization stands in defense of our rights, regardless if
they agree or disagree with, like or dislike the person or persons whose
rights are in danger. E.g., they stood up decisive support of one of the
most conservative leaders of the Christian church in America, Rev. Jerry
Falwell, who is one of the most outspoken critics of the ACLU, in his law
suit against the State of Virginia in 2002.

It is unfortunate that most people succumb to their internal storm of
negative emotions of anger and hate, when evaluating activities of someone
they dislike. That's what the article by Dr. D. Donovan was all about.
That's what created The Prison Nation USA. That's what made America addicted
to all the perpetual internal and external wars. That's what killed The Bill
of Rights. That's what's killing our Freedom. That's what laid grounds to
the Empire of Oceania, The Big Brother and their great party of Ingsoc in
George Orwell's 1984. Ingsoc, in my view, is what Republicrats (also known
as Republic Rats) may very well become in the not so distant future, with
most Americans either indifferent to, or applauding the transformation. God
save America!

M.P. Cathmor
Post by Len
Post by Marid P. Cathmor
I have reposted the article by Dr. Donovan, since I consider it a worthwhile
reading for anyone.
Many of the facts he wrote about are supported by the great many
publications written by prominent lawyers, journalists and scholars of the
US system of justice. Having no time to get deeply into details, I want to
Race to Incarcerate by Marc Mauer;
Invisible Punishment: The Collateral Consequences of Mass Imprisonment, also
by Marc Mauer;
Hard Time Blues: How Politics Built a Prison Nation by Sasha Abramsky;
Crime and Punishment in America by Elliott Currie;
Prison Nation: The Warehousing of America's Poor by Tara Herivel, et al;
The Culture of Control: Crime and Social Order in Contemporary Society by
David Garland;
Going Up the River: Travels in a Prison Nation by Joseph T. Hallinan;
American Prejudice: With Liberty and Justice for Some by Richard H. Ropers,
et al.
Freedom in Chains: The Rise of the State and the Demise of the Citizen by
James Bovard.
The Tyranny of Good Intentions: How Prosecutors and Bureaucrats are
Trampling the Constitution in the Name of Justice, by Paul Craig Roberts;
The Rich Get Richer and The Poor Get Prison by Prof. Jeffrey Reiman
Lost Rights: The Destruction of American Liberty by James Bovard, and many
Why Our Drug Laws Have Failed and What We Can Do About It: A Judicial
Indictment of the War on Drugs, by James P. Gray
Some of these books have been written by liberals, others by
Post by Len
Post by Marid P. Cathmor
(such as James Bovard!!). So are the web sites below. I think, every true
American owes it to his or her children, and children of their children, to
quit ignoring the realities of life.
http://www.lewrockwell.com/elkins/elkins27.html ("Torture is as American as
Apple Pie")
And hundreds more. Just enter keywords such as Torture in America, U.S.
Torture, Fascism in America, police state in America....
You have the right to agree or disagree with what you read. Just don't ever
say you didn't know.
Afterwards get the George Orwell's book titled "1984", or rent the movie
with the same title. Think about it. And about this wise quote: "They who
would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither
liberty nor security" -Benjamin Franklin.
Or this one: "We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at
home" --Edward R. Murrow.
"None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are
free." - Goethe.
And one by H.L. Mencken: "The average man does not want to be free. He
simply wants to be safe."
"Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just
man is also a prison."
How many more years, do you think, do we have 'till Orwellian 1984?
Seriously! Don't we already have the population ready to sacrifice their
children for their Leaders' ideas, whatever they might be, chanting "United
we stand!" and waving all those flags? The terrorism as the cause of death
is number what in the US? Are your chances higher to die from the act of
terror, or from choking on a piece of food? What they have been in the past?
How about crime? Do our own criminals, foreign terrorists, or bad doctors
and sloppy hospitals kill more people, what do you think? Or insurance
companies that refuse needed treatment, or payment for important drugs? How
about some research on your own? And what do you get in exchange for living
in a Prison Nation, inside The World Champion of Gulag? What do you get for
sacrificing your Bill of Rights?
Will you get the Earthly Immortality? A thousand more years? Maybe only a
hundred? Fifty? What's the deal?
How about some thinking for a change? For a Big Change?!
---M.P. Cathmor
Post by Marid P. Cathmor
The following article has been published by Dr. D.N. Donovan on
australia.edu and some discussion
groups devoted to the subject of Justice.
2003-10-20 12:34:30 UTC
Post by Marid P. Cathmor
Post by Len
Wait. You use the ACLU as a source for your diatribe?
The Village Voice?
With such "objectivity" to the issue one might as well go to the KKK
for racial views, or B'Nai Brith for an answer to the Palestinian
This approach to facts and truth, as expressed above by Len, has been
remarkably common in totalitarian societies.
The ad homonym argument that you use in the above sentence has been
used in discussing issues in order to negate or diffuse the post by
discrediting the poster, and is commonly used by 'True Believers'.
(Try reading a short work by Eric Hoeffer by the same name)
By painting my observation with the "totalitarian societies" remark
your near-use of Godwin's Law approaches the limit for rational
Post by Marid P. Cathmor
Being intellectually unable to
discuss and critique various facts and opinions, the totalitarian
practicians attack the source of such facts and opinions.
I did not come to "discuss and critique various facts and opinions" as
you, however you place disservice towards me as well as yourself by
believing a responder does not have the intellectual capabilities
necessary in taking on your voluminous assertions, point by point.
I've better to do with my time.
As an aside, in discussion, one does review the "facts" in context
however if you find it "an attack" then you need check yourself for
your position. Also, there is no point in "attacking" your "opinion"
as that to is a zero sum game. It is simply your opinion and there is
no weight or merit in discussing same when ascertaining 'the truth'.
Post by Marid P. Cathmor
In other words, they not only kill the messenger, if they don't like the
message. They also kill the message, if they don't like the messenger.
I believe, the truth remains truth, regardless of who is presenting it, and
great many resources I have offered to readers' attention come from the
different poles of political spectrum: some are from liberals, some come
from conservatives, libertarians, centrists, etc.
I find it curious that you "believe the truth remains truth".
I take that to mean that you believe in absolutes?
And you derive these absolutes from what source? How do you come to
know such absolutes and from whence are such derived? Just curious.
2003-10-19 13:22:40 UTC
Top Post Only:
They could have stayed home that night.
Post by Marid P. Cathmor
For years, I've been studying the US System of Justice. I've sat during a
couple of hundreds of
criminal proceedings in circuit courts of Illinois, Wisconsin and Florida.
I've visited many
jails and prisons, conducted interviews with hundreds of prisoners and
members of their families.
I can testify to the world that the US system of justice is no more based on
true ideals of
impartial objectivity, as any other system of justice in the world. And yes,
it is almost
entirely based upon the most negative human emotions: hate, fear, and greed.
I know too well that the main reasons for the abuse of drugs and alcohol,
which in turn are at
the roots of most of the most serious crimes, are both psychiatric
illnesses, and psychological
weaknesses. Almost all abusers of intoxicants suffer either from a serious
illness, or at least
from a psychological condition, such as low self-esteem, lack of belief in
one's own abilities,
increased emotional sensitivity, and all other varieties of neurosis, etc.
After receiving harsh sentences, based entirely on hate and desire for
revenge of the
legislators, jurors, persecutors and judges, these people enter the
so-called "system of
corrections", where they suffer additional blows upon their already ailing
psyche: hate,
disrespect, abuse and torture are everyday reality of the U.S. jails and
prisons (torture is
frequently applied using such hard-to-prove means of creating extreme pain,
as turning on the air
conditioning at full cooling power in the middle of winter, when prisoners
are locked up in their
cells, or turning on an extremely loud, high-pitch security sirens, also
when prisoners can't
escape it, and running them for hours at a time. Should any complaints be
filed, the explanation,
of course, is that "technical malfunction has occurred", no ill intentions
taken place
As a result of such "corrections", people leave the system hurting more than
ever before, more
succeptible to drug and alcohol abuse, less able to adapt to life and become
productive members
of the society.
It is my strongest belief that the US System of Justice should be renamed
into the "System of
Hate and Revenge". I also sincerely hope that the creators and supporters of
the world's largest,
US Prison-Industrial Complex, also known as the American Gulag, one bright
for the human race day
in the future, will be arrested and charged with crimes against humanity.
Charges will include, I
believe, devastation of many millions of American families, extreme
emotional and developmental
injury inflicted upon the millions and millions of American children,
governmental corruption on
a particularly grand scale, practice of slavery, mass application of
torture, extreme abuse of
the human rights, and proliferation of crime within the American society,
resulting in massive
loss of lives and property.
And our times eventually will be viewed by the future generations in the
same light, as we now
view the darkest times of Medieval Inquisition.
Dermot Donovan, Ph.D, Ed.D
Canberra-London-New York
Napalm Heart
2003-10-22 06:26:57 UTC
Post by Marid P. Cathmor
The following article has been published by Dr. D.N. Donovan on
australia.edu and some discussion
groups devoted to the subject of Justice. -MPC
For years, I've been studying the US System of Justice. I've sat during a
couple of hundreds of
criminal proceedings in circuit courts of Illinois, Wisconsin and Florida.
I've visited many
jails and prisons, conducted interviews with hundreds of prisoners and
members of their families.
I can testify to the world that the US system of justice is no more based on
true ideals of
impartial objectivity, as any other system of justice in the world. And yes,
it is almost
entirely based upon the most negative human emotions: hate, fear, and greed.
I know too well that the main reasons for the abuse of drugs and alcohol,
which in turn are at
the roots of most of the most serious crimes, are both psychiatric
illnesses, and psychological
weaknesses. Almost all abusers of intoxicants suffer either from a serious
illness, or at least
from a psychological condition, such as low self-esteem, lack of belief in
one's own abilities,
increased emotional sensitivity, and all other varieties of
neurosis, etc.
Post by Marid P. Cathmor
After receiving harsh sentences, based entirely on hate and desire for
revenge of the
legislators, jurors, persecutors and judges, these people enter the
so-called "system of
corrections", where they suffer additional blows upon their already ailing
psyche: hate,
disrespect, abuse and torture are everyday reality of the U.S. jails and
prisons (torture is
frequently applied using such hard-to-prove means of creating
extreme pain,
Post by Marid P. Cathmor
as turning on the air
conditioning at full cooling power in the middle of winter, when prisoners
are locked up in their
Air conditioning? None here in Michigan. Using the ventilation fans
to encourage rowdy prisoners to get under their covers and be quiet
isn't unknown. The prisoners that are trying to do their time and go
home are largely appreciative of any effort to get the idiots to quiet

