On 23 Apr 2005 00:01:37 GMT, "james g. keegan jr."
Post by james g. keegan jr.So he's one of those stalker wannabes. Thanks for the heads up.
He's already admitted to digging up criminal records of people with
names similar to mine (and another of the people who dare to point out
his behavior), which is an uncharacteristic display of honesty - but
I've never made any secret of where I am. He's not the brightest
crayon in the box, by a long shot.
clearly, anyone who would abuse the powers of a correctional officer to
smear his internet enemies shouldn't be involved in law enforcement.
That's for sure.
I see the alt.abortion hate group has met to try and bolster their self
There is one problem with your lying. No one abused any power.
O.k., carry on.
Stage 1: The haters gather
They use this newsgroup to gather.
They feel compelled, almost driven, to entreat others to hate as they
Irrational haters seldom hate alone.
By gathering, it bolsters a sense of self-worth and ast the same time,
prevents introspection, which reveals personal insecurities.
You will note that people like Pr0r3p, Barnes, Humphrey, Krisblake,
Keegan, Fischer, Lovin' Spoonful, Lefty, Rickie, * US *, Loose Cannon,
The other Donald, and there are some others, feed off of each other.
Stage 2: The Hate Group defines itself
Hate groups form identities through symbols, rituals, and mythologies,
which enhance the member's status and, at the same time, degrade the
object of their hate.
You will note the above mentioned individuals feed off of each other.
You should also notice that the moment the object of their hate, say
myself for example, is able to communicate positively with another user
in the newsgroup, the above mentioned will try to intervene and break
it apart. Barnes is notorious for that action.
State 3: The Hate Group Disparages the Target
Hate is the glue that binds haters to one another and to a common
cause. By verbally debasing the object of their hate, haters enhance
their self-image, as well as their group status.
After constant verbal denigration, haters progress to the next more
acrimonious stage.
Stage 4: The Hate Group Taunts the Target
Hate, by its nature, changes incrementally. Haters use ever-increasing
degress of rhetoric and violence to maintain high levels of agitation.
Taunts and offensive gestures serve this purpose.
There are three other stages in the Hate Model; however, the above
individuals have not crossed to those stages yet, meaning they are what
is considered to be an immature hate group.
The other stages are..
Stage 5: The Hate Group Attacks the Target Without Weapons
Stage 6: The Hate Group Attacks the Target with Weapons
Stage 7: The Hate Group Destroys the Target
Hate Groups, such as the above mentioned individuals are dangerous.
Right now, they are immature; however, they still remain full of hate
and could possibly go to stage 5.
It's important to recognize the seven stages and identify which stage
they are in.